Carian Terperinci
Sabtu, 3 November 2012
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Stem Science Apple Stem Cell Diet Slim
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Stem Science Apple Stem Cell Diet Slim: APPLE STEM CELL DIET SLIM BEVERAGES yg ini utk detox.. ada kandungan apple stem cell bagi menyihatkan dan menghi...
Stem Science Apple Stem Cell Diet Slim
yg ini utk detox.. ada kandungan apple stem cell bagi menyihatkan dan menghidupkan kembali sel2 yang rosak @ mati dalam usus kita.. maklumlah makanan kita ni byk bhn2 tambahan yg berbahaya. Bila usus bersih.. kulit pun akan sihat sbb no more toksin yang membawa pelbagai masalah pada tubuh dilepaskan ke kulit....
- dapatkan STEM SCIENCE NUTRI FRESH Diet Slim Beverage - detox drink dengan apple stem cell
Tanda-tanda Usus Kotor
1. Perut kembung
2. Kepala pusing dan kelesuan
3. Nafas berbau
4. Sakit pada sendi
5. Gatal-gatal pada kulit
6. Sentiasa penat dan mengantuk walaupun aktiviti biasa
7. Yang mempunyai kulit yang kusam
8. Obesiti
9.Masalah Haid,sembelit,buasir
10.Sakit kepala,sakit belakang terutama ketika bangun tido dan juga sukar ingin tido dan banyak lagi berkaitan dengan kawasan usus,gastrik kemungkinan sebab masalah usus semakin menipis
~ Bila Usus Sihat,maka pengambilan aturan makanan mampu di kawal dan bila terkawal maka berat badan pun turut terkawal...Insyaallah ~
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are unprogrammed cells that can differentiate (specialize) into cells with specific functions. Young skin is capable of self-repair quick and self-regenerate, which has a direct correlation with the amount of stem cells in the skin. As we age, the quantity and quality of stem cells in our body including those underlying skin are gradually decreased, they cannot differentiate into sufficient cells, and eventually reflects aged skin. Hence, the key to suppress skin aging is to restore and protect our body stem cells..
Stem cells are unprogrammed cells that can differentiate (specialize) into cells with specific functions. Young skin is capable of self-repair quick and self-regenerate, which has a direct correlation with the amount of stem cells in the skin. As we age, the quantity and quality of stem cells in our body including those underlying skin are gradually decreased, they cannot differentiate into sufficient cells, and eventually reflects aged skin. Hence, the key to suppress skin aging is to restore and protect our body stem cells..
Main Ingredients:
PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica
The study on cell viability showed that at a concentration level of 0.10%, PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica could activate stem cell proliferation by 80%. It was shown in another experiment of stress induced by UV; same concentration of the extract could protect stem cells viability by 93%. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica shown to promote regeneration of skin stem cells and protect cells against UV irradiation.
Furthermore, PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica has been shown to delay ageing of hair follicles and increase lifespan of human hair follicles continued to grow for 18 days. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica stimulates proliferation of stem cells. In this study, 0.10% of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica positively induced viability and proliferation of stem cells more than 80%.
PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica protects stem cells against UV damage. In this experiment, the stem cells were stressed through irradiation with UV light. 50% of the cells that were cultured in the growth medium alone died, whereas cells cultured PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica experienced a small loss of viability.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients important for the body. It takes part in a number of different reactions as well as being a potent antioxidant by protecting the body from free radicals. It presents a whitening activity by inhibits tyrosinase activity and prevents the synthesis of melanin. Vitamin C also accelerates the synthesis of collagen and therefore favoring the restoration of the elasticity of the skin.
Marine Collagen
Nutrifresh Apple Stem Cell replenishes you with marine collagen extracted from deep sea fish which is free from impurities. Marine collagen has a similar molecular structure to human collagen, and its small molecular size can be absorbed more effectively by the body. It can restore dermis layer, improve nutrients absorption and provide hydration to the skin, and refine open pores. To build perfect body, the body needs to breakdown fat; marine collagen can prolong metabolism to burn more fat, so as to achieve weight loss purposes.
PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica
The study on cell viability showed that at a concentration level of 0.10%, PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica could activate stem cell proliferation by 80%. It was shown in another experiment of stress induced by UV; same concentration of the extract could protect stem cells viability by 93%. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica shown to promote regeneration of skin stem cells and protect cells against UV irradiation.
Furthermore, PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica has been shown to delay ageing of hair follicles and increase lifespan of human hair follicles continued to grow for 18 days. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica stimulates proliferation of stem cells. In this study, 0.10% of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica positively induced viability and proliferation of stem cells more than 80%.
PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica protects stem cells against UV damage. In this experiment, the stem cells were stressed through irradiation with UV light. 50% of the cells that were cultured in the growth medium alone died, whereas cells cultured PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica experienced a small loss of viability.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients important for the body. It takes part in a number of different reactions as well as being a potent antioxidant by protecting the body from free radicals. It presents a whitening activity by inhibits tyrosinase activity and prevents the synthesis of melanin. Vitamin C also accelerates the synthesis of collagen and therefore favoring the restoration of the elasticity of the skin.
Marine Collagen
Nutrifresh Apple Stem Cell replenishes you with marine collagen extracted from deep sea fish which is free from impurities. Marine collagen has a similar molecular structure to human collagen, and its small molecular size can be absorbed more effectively by the body. It can restore dermis layer, improve nutrients absorption and provide hydration to the skin, and refine open pores. To build perfect body, the body needs to breakdown fat; marine collagen can prolong metabolism to burn more fat, so as to achieve weight loss purposes.
People on weight loss and exercise programs want to burn more fat for weight loss and body shaping. L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid well known for its key role in fat metabolism. It promotes fat burning and converts it into useful energy. Many athletes use L-Carnitine on its own to mobilize stored body fat for energy output, and burn more calories.
Senna Leaf.
Senna leaf is traditionally used as remedies for constipation and weight loss. It relieves constipation by removing heat and stagnancy, works in the body as a diuretic, detoxifies the intestines, and regulates bowel movement.
Stevia is a natural sweetener presented as an alternative to sugar. It has approximately 200 times the sweetness of sucrose (ordinary table sugar), but has zero calories, and does not affect blood glucose levels. It is useful for those who have to monitor their sugar intake as it does not raise glucose levels. Since stevia is sugarless and contains no calories, it can be an effective aid in weight management and often used to replace sugars which lead to obesity.
Tips on Weight Control
1.Low calorie diet; reduce intake of deep-fried, refined, high sugar content food.
2.Slow and careful chewing leads to weight lose, as it activates brain to stimulate satiety center so that satisfaction is reached early.
3.Stop eating 5 hours before bedtime as calories that might be used for activity are converted into fat.
People on weight loss and exercise programs want to burn more fat for weight loss and body shaping. L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid well known for its key role in fat metabolism. It promotes fat burning and converts it into useful energy. Many athletes use L-Carnitine on its own to mobilize stored body fat for energy output, and burn more calories.
Senna Leaf.
Senna leaf is traditionally used as remedies for constipation and weight loss. It relieves constipation by removing heat and stagnancy, works in the body as a diuretic, detoxifies the intestines, and regulates bowel movement.
Stevia is a natural sweetener presented as an alternative to sugar. It has approximately 200 times the sweetness of sucrose (ordinary table sugar), but has zero calories, and does not affect blood glucose levels. It is useful for those who have to monitor their sugar intake as it does not raise glucose levels. Since stevia is sugarless and contains no calories, it can be an effective aid in weight management and often used to replace sugars which lead to obesity.
Tips on Weight Control
1.Low calorie diet; reduce intake of deep-fried, refined, high sugar content food.
2.Slow and careful chewing leads to weight lose, as it activates brain to stimulate satiety center so that satisfaction is reached early.
3.Stop eating 5 hours before bedtime as calories that might be used for activity are converted into fat.
Pakej PROMOSI 1 BAR MAGIC SOAP + 3 BOXES DIET SLIM | ....Price Untuk Semenanjung RM260 Manakala Sabah & Sarawak RM267 |
Pakej 4 BOXES DIET SLIM....Price Semenanjung RM 280 Manakala Sabah & sarawak RM287 |
Sesiapa Berminat Anda boleh hubungi @ SMS saya,Puan Rozie (019-6193785) untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Penggunaan Diet Slim
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Masalah Tumit Merekah & Terkena Minyak Panas Pulih...
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Masalah Tumit Merekah & Terkena Minyak Panas Pulih...: Pernahkah anda mengalami masalah tumit merekah dan pelbagai produk telah digunakan namun tidak berkesan...Pernahkan anda mengalami masalah ...
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: NUTRIFRESH MAMPU MENYEMBUHKAN PELBAGAI PENYAKIT......
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: NUTRIFRESH MAMPU MENYEMBUHKAN PELBAGAI PENYAKIT......: Wow...Kehebatannya diibaratkan mampu merawat dan memulihkan masalah dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki...Ye ker? aku bertanya pada diri sen...
Isnin, 1 Oktober 2012
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Penyakit Gout Menyerang Kaum Lelaki
Produk Kecantikan & Kesihatan Apple Stem Cell: Penyakit Gout Menyerang Kaum Lelaki: Penyakit Gout : Tanda Dan Cara Pencegahannya Ini adalah satu lagi jenis penyakit yang amat membimbangkan kita… kalau dah dia hingg...
Ahad, 30 September 2012
Penyakit Gout Menyerang Kaum Lelaki
Penyakit Gout : Tanda Dan Cara Pencegahannya
Ini adalah satu lagi jenis penyakit yang amat membimbangkan kita… kalau dah dia hinggap tu memang susah lah nak sembuh…
Gout adalah sejenis penyakit akibat berlebihan asid urik di dalam badan. Asid urik adalah bahan kumuhan berasal dari sejenis protein yang dipanggil purin. Badan kita membuang bahan kumuhan ini melalui air kencing (urin). Bagi pengidap gout, asid urik yang berlebihan tidak dibuang dan berkumpul di dalam sendi. Ia adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling lama dihidapi manusia, sejak zaman dahulu kala lagi. Pada masa dahulu gout boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan dan kecacatan, kini dengan kemajuan dalam bidang perubatan, gout boleh dikawal. Ia sering dihidapi oleh kaum lelaki dalam lingkungan usia antara 30 hingga 60 tahun. Ia jarang sekali dihidapi oleh kaum wanita sebelum putus haid.
Tanda2 Gout
- Gout lazimnya menyerang ibu jari kaki.
- Ibu jari kaki menjadi merah, panas, bengkak dan tersangat sakit.
- Serangan selalunya berlaku secara tiba-tiba, kerap kali semalaman.
- Sendi yang diserang menjadi bisa sehinggakan geseran dengan selimut pun begitu menyeksakan.
- Sakit mungkin berlarutan berhari-hari, atau sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 minggu untuk reda jika tidak dirawat.
- Sakit mungkin menyerang kembali selepas berminggu atau bulan.
- Gout boleh menyerang sendi-sendi lain seperti buku lali, lutut, pergelangan tangan dan jari.
- Asid urik boleh berkumpul di bawah kulit membentuk benjolan di panggil ’tophi’
- Dalam saluran urinari (air kencing), ia boleh berkumpul membentuk ’batu karang’.
- Penghidap gout juga sering menghidapi penyakit atau masalah kesihatan lain seperti: Kegemukan, Darah tinggi, Hiperlipidemia & Diabetes
Gout adalah suatu penyakit yang boleh sembuh tetapi anda harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya.
Rawatan serangan akut
Rawatan Jangka Panjang
Oleh kerana gout disebabkan oleh asid urik yang berlebihan dalam badan, anda haruslah mengelakkan faktor-faktor yang boleh menambahkan paras asid urik.
Di bawah disenaraikan makanan yang kaya dengan purin:.
- Organ dalaman seperti hati, paru-paru, ginjal dan otak
- Ikan bilis, kembung, sardin
- Daging cincang
- Ekstrak daging, ragi (seperti Marmite) dan kiub rebusan daging
- Makanan bercengkerang seperti ketam, udang dan kerang
- Asparagus, bunga kobis, cendawan dan bayam
- Peanuts, lentil, beans and peas
- Poultry
- Roti jagung dan bijirin
- Rehatkan sendi semasa serangan gout.
- Ubat-ubatan anti-radang berkesan untuk mengurangkan sakit dan keradangan sendi. Walaupun ia boleh mendatangkan kesan sampingan seperti sakit perut. Jika digunakan dalam jangka masa yang singkat, kesan sampingan jarang berlaku.
- Ubatan lain seperti colchicine juga boleh diambil. Walaupun ia amat berkesan, ia boleh menyebabkan loya, muntah dan cirit-birit (Peringatan: Colchicine hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
- Steroid (Peringatan: Steroid hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
- Lazimnya cecair steroid disuntik terus ke sendi yang radang
- Pil steroid boleh diambil dalam jangka masa yang pendek jika penghidap tidak boleh mengambil ubat-ubatan yang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya tidak boleh diambil berpanjangan.
- Sentiasa peka terhadap tanda-tanda awal serangan. Jika rawatan dimulakan awal, penyakit ini tidak akan melarat.
- Menjaga berat badan – kegemukan boleh mengganggu keupayaan badan untuk mengeluarkan asid urik yang berlebihan (Klik di sini untuk keterangan lebih lanjut..)
- Mengelakkan minuman keras
- Pemakanan – elakkan pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi purin yang tinggi
- Sesetengah daging binatang, makanan laut, kekacang mengandungi purin yang tinggi.
- Ubah cara hidup anda untuk memastikan paras asid urik yang normal
- Amalkan cara hidup sihat untuk mengelak dari menghidap penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungkait dengan gout
- Apabila mengambil Allopurinol, ianya perlu diambil secara berterusan.
- Jangan mengubah atau menghentikan dos Allopurinol semasa serangan gout.
- Minum banyak air
- Gout boleh diwarisi tetapi faktor persekitaran juga memainkan peranan
- Gout adalah penyakit yang boleh dirawat. Pada zaman dahulu, gout merupakan salah satu penyebab kerosakan dan kecacatan sendi. Pada hari ini, dengan rawatan yang baik, ianya boleh dikawal.
- Adalah penting untuk mengamalkan cara hidup sihat.
- Benarkah Gout Penyakit Orang Kaya?
- Tidak, gout boleh menyerang sesiapa sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, meminum alkohol dan pemakanan berlebihan boleh dikaitkan dengan kejadian penyakit gout.
** Gout juga boleh dicegah dengan produk dipasaran cuma jika ada keserasian sembuhlah pengidap Gout tu...Disini saya juga nak kongsi dari pengguna yang ada masalah GOUT...bertahun2 mengidap penyakit ni so bila diperkenalkan dengan STEM SCIENCE APPLE STEM CELL NUTRIFRESH BEVERAGES beliau boleh bergerak tanpa bergantung pada orang lain malah begitu aktif menaja produk ini untuk kebaikan bersama...yang perlu anda ketahui...bukan mudah untuk sembuh kalu kita tidak bersungguh-sungguh dan yakin serta bertawakal....apa pun berwaspada juga la dengan pemakanan kerana faktor pemakanan juga menyebabkan kita mengalami masalah kesihatan
Stem Science Apple Stem Cell Nutrifresh Beverages |
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